Thursday 7 November 2013

whose crying for me?

Recently, I have been so busy with everything, (no excuse) and did not really give that much time to my maker.

Today I felt so uncomfortable and so restless. I picked up my bible and fell into the book of John, I read about what christ said would happen to him, before he would return to his father and the receiving of the holy spirit. So I read from chapter 11-16.
I then wanted bait more in-depth of what I read so I switched it up to Matthew 27-28, I realised that, wow this man literally died for the world, and it was literally FOR THE WHOLE WORLD.

I know that if Satan had knew the benefit of christ's death for us ( sinners/ gentiles) he would not have released the thought of betrayal into Judas' heart. For it would benefit him, to have us all in darkness. As I was in thought, I cried. I find these days when I do put my mind to the word and get into it, I weep for a few minutes. Sometimes I try hold back, but I weep either way. I used to think "Why am I crying?" I can read a happy Psalm and I would just cry! But the spirit that has now come to dwell in me is manifesting and cries and groans for me, to my saviour the king.
I am not ashamed to call my God my king, for christ is not ashamed of those who love him to call him their God. Those who love him, follow his commands, to love all those around them, and to help those in need.

I'm happy to cry once in a while when I read, intact, always!

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. 

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