Thursday 24 October 2013

Christian: Let's stop and THINK.

"I love to get drunk and party, here and there get high! Oh, by the way I also hit bible study on a Friday."

Yeah. Us christians (I've been here too) we love to balance being in the world with being that righteous person of God.

I cannot begin to say how I used to throw around the sentence, "I am a christian and I love God. I don't believe in a smoking." However I would be drinking, getting comfortable with guys and going out? was that okay? NO!
Yes christ has given us freedom but I think sometimes we either get confused with what freedom that is, or we make us what is sinful and what isn't.

I properly started to turn to God around the end of summer. I felt so lost. I was confused, because I made up all the rules on what was acceptable and what was sinful. I couldn't call myself a christian because I wasn't exactly being one.

Christianity is not a religion, but it is a way of life. TBH it's what I've been looking for.
Not having a boyfriend, a social life that means going out and vomiting everywhere in the name of fun, "smoking the herb" doesn't bother me.
I'm content with my soya milk in my cup of tea ( okay, that is apart of a diet plan that i DON'T enjoy, boy do I miss my british whole milk, you know the one with the blue if you're pushing it) and my lovely peaceful life that i have just began to have.
I'm not the perfect christian, oh no way! But I'm made perfect with christ when i CONFESSED my sins and said NO MORE.

There is no point of going clubbing then church on a sunday, logic? I find with christianity people love how "free" it is. God gives us a choice, but you're really not wasting God's time when you balance sin with church going. I would go out with friends, be in a sinful environment where ungodly spirits are field, then go to church on a sunday and pray for guidance for academic work. God couldn't help me because I was still holding on to what was blocking me from my blessings. I feel I have less friends suddenly because I realised the friends are partied with were just friends are partied with. Immediately I stopped I became "that girl I used to party hard with till the jesus thing got serious". Well bravo me! I'm glad it's that way.

My friends always ask "What happened to the guy you were seeing?" I shrug it off with "oh you know it wasn't working, not for me" truth is, that's a distraction and me not being patient with growing up. Let God give me a man, in the meantime, no, i won't entertain other company.

he said "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.(issiah 55:8)

So may God's ways and plans for our lives come into full swing. May we not just go to church and pray and be done for the week, let us pray every moment we can, not just for ourselves but for everyone around us, and those that come into our mind. Let's remind ourselves of what Jesus died for, what God gave us. Let's change things.

I've started to change things. But there's a long way to go, and for once, I'm not walking alone confused.
There's a greater one beside me. He's also beside you.

think about:
"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?" (mark 8:36)

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